Thursday, August 20, 2009

Hows burns in Delft... again!

This is the second time I've been a witness to a house burning down in Delft, Cape Town.

Well it's seems that the home owners didn't find much support from some community members as they have a reputation for covering up the crimes of their son who has been involved with burglary, robbery, theft and also rape.

He was also linked to another incident in which another house just a few meters from where he lives, was also burnt down after they broke into it to use drugs.

It is said that God has finally given them what they deserve after all the pain and suffering the son has caused to so many people and for everytime his mother covered up for all his wrong doings.

All I hope for is that they get to rebuild their home.

Monday, August 17, 2009

My New Christian Blog

Good day people. I greet you in the name of my saviour Jesus Christ.

I would just like to inform my readers that my new Christian blog entitled Christian Diary can now be found at

I use this blog to share my experiences as a Christian and also share some lessons I learn while reading through my bible.

I thank you for being loyal supporters of this blog, but the time has come for me to move on and change direction.

God bless you all.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Helping a Fellow Christian

God just gave me an opportunity to help a fellow Christian sister in need of encouragement. She is going through a very tough divorce and she sent me an email stating that it feels as if she has no more reason to smile and asked me to pray for her…

I promised I would keep her in my prayers and gave her some words of encouragement that I could never have thought up all by myself. I reminded her that divorce is a very sensitive matter as it goes directly against God’s will, but the bible also mentions that it is only “justified” when one partner has been unfaithful in the sense of committing adultery.

I also reminded her of the book of Job: Job was so perfect in the eyes of God that he gave satan permission to torment him. Job, who was the richest man of the east at that time, lost all his cattle, his riches, his ten children and also became very ill. His wife asked how come he still remains faithful to God instead of cursing him for bringing such hard times into his life and he replied that when God gives us good times we do not complain, so why complain when God gives us tough times? Instead of forsaking God, Job remained faithful and in the end he was blessed with the return of all his lost riches and was also blessed again with another ten children.

I said to this friend that instead of asking God why we go through hard times, we should embrace those hard times and worship him even more because it is through times like these that we are drawn closer to God. We should undoubtedly put our trust in Him. Take all our problems and leave it in God’s hands and He will give us rest.

She then thanked me and said I was a blessing to her although she never even met me, but I reminded her that it is not me who is the blessing, instead it is God’s Holy Spirit that has worked through me so I could have the wisdom to help her and encourage her to remain faithful to God and I as a mere servant cannot take credit for a lesson that God has written thousands of years ago.

It made me feel good for helping, but I should thank God for using me to help another Christian and she should thank the Lord for providing counsel through me and not thank me.


Monday, August 10, 2009

Life as a Christian

Hi people. My new life since accepting Christ has taken a massive turn. I no longer drink, read the Bible every second I get, my kids are excited with the new routine of prayer before sleep, I see things that others are blind to, my wife also got saved and I now have fear of nothing (except spiders), no one and no place... Now THAT is a wonderful feeling!

I will be sharing some of my new experiences with you people and also try opening some eyes with things that have been revealed to me.

For now I say good night and GOD bless.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

ATM Bombing in Delft

The mense of Delft woke up to a loud explosion at about 1:05am this morning. According to my source people living close by were too afraid to inspect what caused the explosion and rumours quickly filled the air that it might again have been an ATM bombing as it sounded similar to an explosion that happened in the past.

Only at about 8am did my source confirm that it was indeed an ATM bombing. Police and Cash-in-Transit officers were present and it has not been confirmed whether the skelms got away with any money.

All this makes me think of a conversation I once had with a guy from Zimbabwe. He said he knows some of the people involved with these type of operations and also those cash-in-transit heists we so often hear about. According to him these guys are highly trained ex-military men and are heavily armed with strong underground connections. He also mentioned that some of these guys live in the Delft area and he was told if anyone ever gave him any trouble, he should just let them know and he won’t hear from whoever troubled him again.

Mense there are things happening right under our noses that we are unaware of and it’s scary what these people get away with, because in many cases they also have contacts within our Police force too. And why are our cops corrucpt?... Because government believes that a starting salary of about R3 500 to R4 000 is enough for these men and women to risk their lives for the safety of others. Well I think government has a lot of re-planning and rethinking to do.



Saturday, July 18, 2009

Coloured Boytjie now Born Again Christian

Hello people. I know it has been a while since I posted anything new. This has been due to a personal reform.

I have given my life to the Lord Jesus and devoted myself to doing his works. This decision will of course impact the time I spend updating this blog as I spend more time now reading the bible and keeping up to date with other things which I now believe to be important than anything I have ever done in my life.

So there you have  it. My life has been changed. Jesus is my savior. God bless all of you.



Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Paris Jackson pays tribute to Michael

Yor last night I was watching Michael Jackson's memorial service and me being a harde-gat coloured bratjie I mos don't wanna show emotion or chunk in front of the motchie..

With the entire line up of celebs paying tribute I thought Usher's was the most heart melting when he walked up to the coffin singing Gone Too Soon and had to stop for a while to control his tears from falling before he finished the song... that was until Michael's daughter Paris Jackson went to the mic.

She only said a few words, yet hers was the most powerful and I just couldn't hold back the tears anymore ekse! Yor I had a moerse knop in my keel and tried to hold back the loud chunking but couldn't stop the tears.

So now I think its time I pay my own tribute... Ou MJ my broe, despite all the kak that went on in your life I was always a moerse fan. My laaities might not know who you are now, but I'll make blerrie sure they get to know your music and the legend that you are... Salute my broe!

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

If Mandela Dies, Blacks Will Take Over

I’ve been trying to wrap my head around this for a week now. You check last weekend I was laming with my motchie, my one female cousin, my male cousin and his sister’s daakie boyfriend in Delft drinking three beers. The conversation somehow went to Helen Zille and that led to the daakie bra saying something that started up a moerse debate.

He said that the people of Khayelitsha have stored guns and other weapons and are waiting for the day that Nelson Mandela dies, then they will start a riot and take over South Africa, because “South Africa belongs to the black people” and no white man will at that time be able to come into the black townships. He also said that they will attack all white people in South Africa. What crap is that? Isn’t apartheid supposed to be a thing of the past?

He added that if he goes looking for a job one of these days, no company is going to tell him they don’t have work for him. He will just force them to give him a job, because “this country belongs to my people”. He will also just go into any shop and take what he wants without paying if he is hungry and won’t allow himself to be arrested, because he has a right to eat whenever he wants to... Now I look at this bra and wys him, “my broe where do you get that stupid mentality from? You can’t just expect to get things easily without having to work for it”

He then says it’s not a stupid way of thinking... “us black people from Khayelitsha and Gugulethu were the one’s that fought for freedom so that people like you can enjoy life the way it is today”..

I then ask him, “Do you know what happened during the days of the riots?” As I expected he said he never saw it for himself, but heard what his older family members said about it. I then told him that as far as I know, us coloured mense were just as involved as the daakies with fighting for freedom... we also had people die... I myself suffered the effects of tear-gas and having to run from school, because school ended early due to riots and men in brown uniforms sitting in Caspers shooting rubber bullets and tear-gas and the grown-ups around me and other kids fighting back with stones and petrol bombs, so don’t tell me our people didn’t help fight for freedom.

I then nicely excused myself and said I don’t have time to listen to such bullshit...

Salute till my nex post!

Criminals more rights than victims: Zuma speaks out

Ou Jacob Zuma wys yesterday that it is unacceptable that there is a public perception that criminals seem to have more rights than victims of crime. He called for a reassessment of the approach through which perpetrators of crime are granted bail.

All of us on the flats have all seen how one bra can kill, rape, rob or whatever else there is... what sometimes follows is that they get arrested, but then tomorrow we just see them smiling on the corner again, seeking out the next victim. Why?... because they know how easy it is to get bail and not long, dockets go missing and nothing ever comes of the skelm.

I’m glad Zuma sees how unfair this is towards victims of crime, but I don’t think only reassessing the grounds on which they get bail is all that needs to be done to change public perception that criminals have more rights than victims. I think one of the major things that should change is that if I for example vang a bra who broke in to my house or braking into my car and I moer the kak out of him, I shouldn’t be arrested along with him... Then he still gets the option of laying a charge of assault against me... What kak is that?

If a bra rapes one of my daughters am I then just supposed to leave him, phone the police and hope and pray they catch him after he runs away? No ways!... I’ll make him vrek, kap his bal af then phone the boere. After that they can ma arrest me if they want to.

So to Zuma... I was never an ANC supporter much less am I happy that you of all people are President, but I like the fact that you brought this issue to light and hope that you also look into the issues I raised here and not just the bail thing. Also I hope you aren’t just window dressing by raising such an issue and have nothing do about it. I say stop looking into it and make an immediate change.. maybe then you will gain my respect and those of others...

Salute till my nex post!

Friday, July 3, 2009

Flake: One bite and all resistance crumbles

Yesterday me and the motchie was talking about different chocolates. We realized that some of them were no longer in the shops, like I haven’t seen Rolo in a while for instance… Take Two is gone, Tempo is on it’s way out and so is TV bar I think.

We also talked about how different chocolates tasted now compared to a few years back. I mean Bar One was my favourite until they started making it super sweet (must be when they changed it from a 24 hour day to a 25 hour day) and Peppermint Crisp now has more mint in it than chocolate. Back in the day it had small mint pieces in it.

The there’s Flake… now this one hasn’t changed much and there is one thing in particular that stayed the same: One bite and all resitance crumbles…

What is should say, in Afrikaans that is, is “Een byt en daar is fokol meer oor nie”…



Thursday, July 2, 2009

New cellphone law

As of 1 July all cell phone users, including those with pre-paid sim cards, will have to re-register our sim cards with our ID bookies and proof of address.

We have 18 months to do so or our sims will be deactivated. Apparently this new law is supposed to help fight crime. The new law also enables government authorities to eaves drop on our conversation, provided a judge has given the order. Whatever happened to our right to privacy?

I think this whole thing is just plain kak, but as with all other political decisions, we have no say and never really did and we can do nothing about it. This is the "democracy" some of us voted for ne! Don't you just wish you never voted for this government a few years ago?

Well mense you were warned and now ITS TOO LATE!

Salute till my nex post!

Monday, June 29, 2009

Babalas Maandag

Justerday, ek is naar my kop pyn en ek is op pad werk toe. I took a lekka splash before leaving home so a man don't ryk soes a kantien..

It's going to be one kak long day I can soema feel it. But I'm looking on the bright side: tomorrow is mos darem payday ekse. So I'm just gonna go with the flow and try to bring this day to a quick end.

Salute till my nex post!
P.S. Ek makee a kopskiet dop!

Friday, June 26, 2009

Eskom really fucking with us now

Yay the Energy Regulator granted Eskom a 31,3% price hike. Im now convince this mense are just out to milk us dry ekse!

Then again I said this would happen a few years ago already... On the day it was announced that we would host the 2010 world cup to be exact.

People thought I was befok when I told them that due to the world cup, all prices were going to increase and petrol would be the first. You see I gained some inside info a few year ago that SA government uses increase in petrol prices and other essentials to make more money to pay off the cuntry's debts. I know it sounds like a conspiracy but it true my broe!

All the price increases are happening just as I said it would and only next year will we see prices dropping especially in petrol and they will use it as a way to encourages foreigners to come to SA for the world cup.

Don't believe me? Then just wait till next year, dan ko se jy my weer..

Micheal Jackson dead

Yor. I switch on the tv this morning and what do I see?

Micheal Jackson is dead! A musical legend that all of us laaities wanted to be like... Until we heard of his alleged "love" for children.

But that controversy aside, the bra's music will live on forever in all of us, our kids and their kids even if they didn't live in his time.

I give my salute to his family and closest friends. And SALUTE again to Micheal himself: you was, is and will always be a musical soldier!

Im sure record companies are looking at the bright side: Whenever a music legend dies, he sells more albums in a week than he did in 3 months while still alive...

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

House burns in Delft.

Yay check here everybody mos probarbly figured by now that I always wanted to be a journalism person and we all know a coloured is a natural news reporter because we mos like to skinner and we is very curious-ahosity. So last night I got my big break!

I bump into my Delft cousin in Belville (well he almost drove into me) and the bra wys I must go home with him so we can lam with a beer (3 beers actually) before taking me home to the Plain. I check good shot corz I mos had a hectic day at work.

Anyway so as we drive through Delft we notice a moerse smoke ball and I wys him to follow the smoke signal. We reach the house and I immediately ruk out my Sony Ericsson K800i & run till almost in the burning house to take photos ekse! Yor I felt duidelik taking the photos and even more kwai when the people even made way for me to do my thing...

That lekka feeling immediately disappeared when it was announced that a woman's child burned to death in the house... Yor shame, that woman was crying ekse. Had lumps in my throat. I didn't want to take pictures of her to respect her privacy.

So there we just lost another child on the Cape Flats.

Salute till my nex post!

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Severe weather warning for Western Cape

I just received an email from a friend who has a friend (that’s mos how the famous Coloured Connexions work) that works for the SA Weather Bureau and he has shared some inside info with me, so now I’m sharing it with my fellow Capetonians. The email goes as follow…


“Dear Capetonians

Trust the email finds you in good health and having had a restful weekend!

I have been tracking the storm systems since last Wednesday and is now in course to hit Western Cape hard, bringing gale force winds reaching storm strength at times, very heavy rainfalls of up to 140mm rain over a four day period and very rough seas with waves in excess of 5 to 7 meters and heavy snowfalls over high lying areas such as in Ceres.


There are at least four cold fronts on its way to hit Western Cape this week, bringing very cold and unsettled weather until at least Friday.


The first front is due to make landfall later this morning, bringing widespread rains and fresh to strong winds. Expected rainfalls in 24 hrs - between 20 and 30mm and winds averaging about 40km/h from the North-west. Snowfalls are not expected at this stage.


The second cold front, the most severe storm front to have hit Western Cape so far this year is due to make landfall tomorrow bringing gale force winds reaching storm strength at times, averaging between 65km/h and 85km/h mainly over the coastal areas, very heavy rainfalls of between 60mm and 100mm in 24 hrs. Rough seas with 7 metre waves are expected to develop during the course of the day, leading to sea foams being sprayed onto the coastal road just as had happened in August last year. Heavy snowfalls are expected from tomorrow night on Western Cape mountains and possibly over high-lying areas such as Ceres.


The third "secondary" cold front behind the second front is expected to develop and make landfall sometime on Wednesday, bringing further heavy rainfalls at times of between 30 and 40mm in 24 hours and further snowfalls over the Western Cape mountains as well as high-lying areas. Winds is still expected to bring gale force winds, but at a reduced intensity averaging between 55km/h and 65km/h. Rough seas with 5 to 7 metres wave is expected to continue.


The fourth and final cold fronts which is a weak cold front is expected to make landfall on Thursday, maintaining the very cold and rainy weather, rainfalls is not expected to be very heavy, between 5 and 10mm in 24 hours and gale force winds for the past two days will have abated already and switching to south-westerly, averaging around 30 to 40km/h. But snowfalls is expected to continue over Western Cape mountains as well as high-lying areas.


By Friday, the cold and rainy weather is expected to clear rapidly, giving way to sunny & slightly warmer weather for this coming weekend.


I will be keeping track of the approaching storm system and will inform you accordingly if there are any changes.


Have a pleasant day!”


There we have it straight from the horse’s mouth. Be warned, this is not a drill, repeat this is not a drill… it’s also not a skinner storie either… So get out the Old Brown Sherry en n’ ander man se vrou and start warming up ekse!

Salute till me next post!

French President against slamse wearing burka.

Kykie I know I normally only cover stories about the kak in Cape Town, but this one is sure to anger all muslims world wide and make PAGAD jas enough to wanna bomb somebody ekse!

French president Nicholas Sarkozi don't want muslim women to wear the burka, a garment covering them from head to toe and is considering banning it in France. I would like to know what Cape Town or any slams thinks about this.

Ok mense let the comments start rolling in!

17 year old Mitchells Plain bra arrested for murder

Yes, yes, yes people I is back after being a bichie quiet this past few days. You check a man was mos babalas so I couldn't get my brain-muscle to focus on anything else, but now I is gonna slaan yous duk with the stories ekse.

In news we have a 17 year old Mitchells Plain laaitie who was arrested for murdering a 14 year old boytjie. Don't ask me how the guy was killed, because some one of our "reliable" news sources... I won't mention Bush Radio's name... failed to give details of exactly how he was killed. All they mention is the victim and his brasse were laming on the corners of Cornflower and Kreupelhout streets in Lentegeur when them was approached by the suspect.

Sounds like he just saw the suspect approaching and dropped dead ne... Thank you Bush Radio for the accurate news reports!

Salute till my nex post!

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Safety MEC talks too much too late

There one of our leaders go again being baie bek! To my coconut readers, that means he talks too much and does too little.

Today he spoke about how he is now going to boost child safety. This only AFTER the tiewe are killing our laaities. Isn't this the same people who preach that prevention is better than cure?

Honestly I don't think politicians can do much regarding safety of our children. Child safety begins at home and the only way politicians can help is if they create a law that can have parents locked up immediately for any kind of neglect. And this law shouldn't take years to come into effect but has to be passed in a space of 1 blerrie month!

This can be done if our leader will stop vrekking in parliament and do the foken jobs. And parents must stop being too luigat to look after their children. I have 3 daughters and anyone can tell yous that they don't even play outside without me or their mother watching them. I don't even allow them to go with any family member besides my mother and sister without my presence.

I have a Secret Service style safety plan that I implement in my home and you can call me over protective or paranoid but it takes one look in a different direction that means the difference between a child going missing and being safe and sound.

I can go on and on, but I think I made my point so...

Salute till my nex post!

Bread price fixing.

You know there's something I don't understand with this bread price fixing scandal. Almost 2 years ago it was already concluded that this kak was going on and you trying to tell me that since that time nothing was done about it?

Instead of the price coming down it actually went up twice since then. People don't be fooled. Do your research and you'll check what I'm wysing yous now. This is another case of all talk and no action.

You see they know us colouring people are brood koppe and so they take advantage of us. Os moetie hulle kak vrietie. We must soema toi-toi like the daakies do ekse! VIVA BREAD PRICE REDUCTION, VIVA!

Salute till my nex post!

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Uncle arrested for Nadine Jantjies murder

Kykie watte gwaan with our uncles of today huh?

First we have a 21 year old uncle that makes his 10 year old niece pregnant, then now we have a 33 year old uncle that "allegedly" raped and murdered arme 7 year old Nadine Jantjies vannie Wesbank somewhere in the Delft area. Jirrie I say again... ek sny pienanas af if I must catch a bra trying his luck with any of my three laaities. Or anyone else's laaitie for that matter.

I firmly believe that your child is my child and if we all adopt this attitude then we can help make a difference and in a way help prevent the kak that is heppening to our laaities. Wiet jy ek raak hard befok if I just think that they can mos rather go buy a stukkie from a R20 hoer standing along some roads than to vedaala the future of a small innocent child.

To child violaters: you mense need serious rolemodels... Maybe you need to experience picking up the soap at Pollsmoore Prison so you know what its like to have a paal being forced into a keyhole.

Salute till my nex post!

Missing 7 year old found dead

Nadine Jantjies, the 7 year old Wesbank girl who went missing on Monday (15 June) was found murdered late yesterday afternoon… on Youth day nogal.

Her body was found half-naked at a busy area some distance away from her parents’ house in Wesbank, Mfuleni. Police will investigate whether she was also raped. Police spokesman November Philander said that a possible suspect has been identified, but not arrested yet. He also added that police experts collected all possible evidence that could help with the investigation. A case of murder has been opened.

We are seriously living in a sick, sad world…

Monday, June 15, 2009

Gugulethu warns Somali shop owners to leave.

Yor what kine with this darkies ekse. They are again threatening that Somalis must gooi out of Gugs. I think the real issue here is jealousy. If anything I think they should use the Somalis as examples to motivate themselves to try starting their own businesses. I mean that people came from fucked up countries with nothing to their names and yet they successfully start their own businesses so they can survive.

I say to our fellow South Africans stop being lazy and if you really want something, then work your gatte off to get it like those people do and stop expecting to have everything given to you on a silver fucking platter! I mean they can’t even apply for a job here, but do they complain? NO!... they do what it takes to survive!

I wonder how they would like it if us as Western Cape citizens told them to fok-off back to Eastern Cape where the majority of them come from and stop putting up pandockies that makes our beautiful Cape Town look like kak! I would like to see how that goes down.

I also won’t be surprised if all hell brakes loose again like the last time if the Somalis don’t leave after the seven day warning and the ruling government start using it as a means to bad mouth local government (DA) in stating that they are not doing their jobs properly. Ja I know I’m pissing off you ANC supporters, but I believe they will try every trick in the book to gain power here in the Western Cape. Just wait and see... I can almost guarantee that will happen and when it does just take a second to think about what I just said.

Salute till my nex post!

How kids go missing

You know I can't believe how negligent some parents can be. I decided to visit my cousin in Delft and hope to see some violent shit that I could take pictures of to show you guys. I always here alota shit going down there and decided to check for myself.

While the two days were uneventful I did come across two incidents. First I see three girl laaities walking in a street alone with no adult. The eldest one was 6 years old and the youngest only 3 years. When I asked where their parents are they said they're drinking at a smokkie. Unbelievable how we see almost everyday in papers and on TV about kids going missing and being raped yet these people seem mingespin.

The second incident made me totally strip my moer! I went to the local Spar and when I came out I find a two year old girl walking around alone. I asked if anyone outside the shop knew the child and all said no. Now my bloed was koeking!

I take the girl by the hand and walk to every stall asking if they recognise the child. Eventually I get to her mother who owns one of the stalls and she didnt even realise her child was gone until I came walking with her. I'm telling you that woman heared French and German and also sieke Japanese coming from my mouth. I scold that woman so vrot that she soema closed the stall for the day. Yor ek was jas!

Sunday, June 14, 2009

10 year old gives birth

Yor.. You know I try hard to keep up with the story about the 10 year old girl from Mitchells Plain who is "allegedly" pregnant of her 21 year old uncle, but it seems they know how to keep things under wraps.

Well I learned that she gave birth on Monday, 8 June already! To a girl nogal. Lets see how protective she will be over this child when she turns 10 Maybe by then she would realise how ougat she was.

Anyways, the case against the uncle has been postponed until July pending the birth of the child. I really interested in seeing how this ordeal will play out.

Salute till my nex post!

Friday, June 12, 2009

Weekend fever

Right-ou... Its Friday, a bra finished work and I'm gonna lam lekka kaal voete with 2 biere when I get home.

So to my mense, may you have a duidelike weekend. I'm planning a maarch through a Cape Flats area with alota action and if I get out safely Im gonna post da pichures up for yous guys.

Salute till my nex post!

SABC board members resign

Check here we can ma wait until the moon comes out of our gatte before we see any change in service delivery by the Stupid Assholes Broadcasting Crap-mission.

3 of their board members resigned yesterday so I think its clear that the public broadcaster have bigger things to sort out than a minor schedule issue. We can ma complain and complain but I think as with being unhappy about crime in this CUNTRY, we can leave (Im sure we know which stupid ANC politician said that!)

So check it out: Our actors, producers and writers were on strike because SABC isn't paying them, their tv schedule is gone to the shits, the channel 3 website is "under construction" and board members are resigning.

Work it out for yourself...

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Drivers beware on N2 - Brick and stone throwing

Khayelitsha police say drivers must kyk uit for mense throwing bricks and stones on the side of the road. SAPS spokesman Constable Mthokoz…something, wys they got reports of this incidents between Mew Way and the R300 off-ramp.

So if you’re going that way, tell everyone in your car to duck down and keep their heads low just in case. Of course you as driver mustn’t now be stupid enough to also hide yourself or you gonna be in more kak than just bricks flying at you.

And pleeeeease be careful when you stop. There have also been reports of robberies in this area so if you see a suspicious looking bra coming up to your car… STAMP HOM OM! SY MOER!


Survivor Cape Flats

You know I firmly believe that you can put any Cape Flats bra on Survivor and he… or in some cases she… would win. Now I’m not talking about the sturvy brasse from Portlands, Strandfontein and quiet Coconut places like that. I’m talking about the bra from Hanover Park, Manenberg, Bonteheuwel and places like that. The real hard-core survival Cape Flats Jungles.

You see you can put the bra on exile island for a month and he will come back smiling. You can bet your gat that bra won’t starve, because a coloured bra can use a tooth pick and hunt enough rabbits or whatever edible animals he can find, to start his own butchery on that island ekse. You see we is mos used to swaar kry en sukkel so being on an island alone is like going on a free vacation.

Don’t even mention the “Games” the play. Ja that’s games in the eyes of a coloured boytjie because we mos use to running from the Boere or even from the brasse trying to rob us or whatever the case my be, so that always keeps us in tip-top shape. You mos know all you have to do to get a proper work out is walk with a gold chain around your neck in Tafelsig and you will be sure to get a nice 5 000 meter long distance marathon run.

Now I see on every Survivor series you always have this one skinnering about that one… ai ooooooe! We all know no one can out-skinner a coloured woman. That woman will skinner to everyone about everyone else and then lam with a bowl of popcorn, watching all the other contestants skelling onder mekaar. This way she will build alliances with everyone and when it comes to Tribal Council, the other will all vote each other out, but she will still be everyone else’s best friend. Os weet mos net hoe…

So I say bring Survivor to Cape Town and see what happens.

Salute till my nex post!



Another 6 year old raped in Phillipi

Another meisie kindtjie was raped again, this time in Phillipi. The 6 year old was playing with her twin sister when a bra lured her away, drukked her in a car and lined with her. He then raped the girl and dumped her in a driveway.

I just don't get it. How can a grown man even get styf for a 6 year old? I also don't understand how they can believe bull crap stories of sangomas telling them that having sex with a baby will cure them of aids. What kak man!

If I vang a bra catching on that kak I'll first moer him jitz then cut off his banana and stick it up his ass! That way he gets to rape himself!

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Man Talk - Don't Understand Women

Why is it that when a guy is focused on his job and trying to improve his lifestyle for not just himself, but also his family, then the woman comes along complaining that he doesn’t spend enough time with her and the kids. But when the bra don’t want to do anything about improving the lifestyle of his family, he then gets labeled a bum?

Woman don’t seem to understand that if you work at improving something in your life, it takes total dedication and requires some sacrifice. In other words work hard now and relax later.

What is it that you women really want?

And no I’m not asking this because of something I’m going through, but because I hear the same complaints coming from different male friends of mine. So ladies, what’s your answer?



12 year old boy arrested for murder

Police arrested a twelve year old laaitie from Lavender Hill on charges of murder. The laaitie and his 13 year old victim were playing in the backyard at Village Heights when the incident occurred.

Inspector Hermanus Van Dyk wys there was a struggle between the two and the victim was stabbed in the process. The victim was taken to hospital for medical attention and was later rushed to Groote Schuur Hospital where he eventually died due to his injuries.

According to the suspect they were playing in the backyard when his friend kicked him in the face unnecessarily and he then brought a knife from the kitchen. The suspect then stabbed the victim in the arm and as the victim tried pushing the suspect away with the knife, he was fatally wounded.

The suspect was also injured on the arm and needed medical attention. He appeared in the Wynberg Magistrate Court yesterday on a charge of murder.

Ai… I got nothing more words to say… one laaitie loses his life and the other will forever have lost his innocence. What kine with our laities of today huh? Makes me scared to see my three beautiful daughters growing up and the things they will be faced with in future if things are already going from bad to worse as it is.

What do we do mense, what do we do?



Eskom 34% price hike application

Ai jirrie. Eskom wants to make this coloured laaitie even more broke than he already is ekse. Can you believe they again applied for a 34% price hike? This after they again started their kak of unannounced power cuts.

Well it seems they’re not getting it this time as the City of Cape Town wysed the National Energy Regulator of SA to reject the application. According to Alderman Clive Justus, the application wasn’t supported by a duidelike motivation. He wys “the application was late, incomplete, poorly substantiated and wasn’t compliant with local government legislation”. He also wys it didn’t consider the real cost of electricity. The City of Cape Town wys the regulator must only approve an inflation linked tarrif increase.

Yor what kine ekse! Zimbabwe here we come…

Salute till my nex post!



When SABC was still kwaai

I miss watching my favourite TV shows of back in the days when SABC was kwaai and it was worthit paying your TV license.

I miss Airwulf, The A-Team, Automan, Blue Thunder, The Dirty Dozen, Knight Rider, More Is Nog n Dag (Corky) and all the others.

Nowadays the TV channels are categorised as follows: SABC 1 - SABC DARKIE, SABC 2 - SABC WHITEY, SABC 3 - SABC INTERNATIONAL. Now ETV isn't an SABC channel and its about the only one I watch so I call them GOOD SHIT TV! They play the best stuff and then its nogal a free channel on top of it.

Oh yes I forgot Agter Elke Man, when Steve Hofmeyr became famous.

Salute mense till my nex post!

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Unarmed security gaurds at RDP Housing sites

Kyk hie sometimes when Im on my way home from Bellville the taxi mos soema line through the back of Delft. Now we gooi pass that RDP houses that the mense went so befok about sometime last year and I always noticed security there, but I didnt know the brasse were unarmed ekse.

On top of it I only counted 4 of them gaurding a moerse area that is big enough to be a townchie of its own. Now I think they go on rounds to check if anyone jumped the fence and kap pyp in the empty jointe as the gangsters mos like to do.

So I see this one gaurd walking from house to house looking through the spaces where the windows should be, while the taxi is standing still waiting for the vet gat taanie to finally make her through the taxi door and into her seat.

What if there was a group of ouens kapping a pyp in one of the houses and they attacked the gaurdchie only armed with a batton? What if they kill the bra?

I think government should take greater steps to ensure the safety of these gaurds like spending more money on hiring armed security and more than just four gaurds instead of spending money on their R500 a dish plates of food when they eat out at restaurants and hotels. I know this corz I have a bra that works at Cullinan Hotel where politicians spend alota time and money

Hungry mense in Oudtshoorn killing farm animals for food.

Hungry mense in the Oudtshoorn area are killing farm animals so they can make a dite. Farmers in the area have reported that they found some of their animals with missing limps, left to rot away right where they were gemutilate.

Oudtshoorn Police now formed a special investigation unit to investigate these crimes along with the SPCA who have put out a R1 000 bounty for those involved in the killings. The SPCA wys that they will charge the mense with cruelty to animals, because of the way the animals are being killed.

Now what I don’t get is that the mense killing these animals first slaughter them by slitting their throats then cut off limps and parts for their pots, but they call this cruelty to animals whereas cows and lambs get slaughtered the same way in any case and also have their limbs cut off when they get sold to butcheries, but they don’t call THAT cruelty to animals.

I think it’s just because the farmers are losing profit. Maybe they should consider helping these people out since these are usually the mense they hire to work on their farms.

Monday, June 8, 2009

Mxit dying out?

What happened to all the mxit koppe I used to see so often?

When a man was still traveling by train and in taxis, there were so many people typing viciously enough on their phones to make it sound like an office floor full of typists preparing for a marathon. I meam ma, theres this bra I know that stayed in his room all day and night just being on Mxit and even he is now spending time in the sun.

So is Mxit dying out or is it just me seeing goeters?

Sunday, June 7, 2009

10 Year old pregnant Mitchells Plain girl Follow-up

Remember that 10 year old Plain girl that is pregnant of her 21 uncle?

The uncle was charged with rape and appeared in Mitchells Plain court. The prosecution people wys they are waiting for the baby to be born so they can do a DNA test to determine paternity.

The pregnant girl still wys she's in love with her uncle.

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Salt River Building Collapses

About 70 mense had to line from a building in Salt River, Cape Town today before it collapsed due to heavy rain. The residents were moved to a hall in the area.

The Old Junction Hotel was built in October 1899 and the building inspector brasse wys the building is not kwai for human occupation only after it collapsed. Other Cape Flats areas like Gugulethu, Khayelitsha and Phillippi were also affected by the rain, but no one was evacuated.

Disaster Risk Management head Wilfred Solomons-Johannes wys “The rain will clear today and the cold front has subsided in areas around the Cape Town Metropole. We don’t expect people to be evacuated”. He also wys mense must make sure their roofs are intact and that storm water drains aren’t covered with gemos so they don’t get blocked.

Cape Town Weather Forecast now available

Awe my brasse. I can now bring you a 1 day weather forecast for Cape Town on my blog which you can find in the menu bar on the right.

Just another way Im trying to make things simpler, better, faster... Nai now I sound like a bank. Lol.

Wear Zuma T-shirt for safety

You check I was visiting some old friends of mine today... well I was actualy there to sort out a computer problem their mom was having, but it was also a visit non the less... Ja so my friends' torpa stieks uit, uit die bloute, wearing a Zuma t-shirt and we are all like, what kine ekse!

I mean we all know this bra to be utterly, completely, entirely anti-ANC! I always found it weired how he changed from being sieke the biggest ANC supporter back in the day, to being so against them now. Anyways so his one daughter wys him, "Wat gaan dan nou aan" and I wys, "ja uncle Martin what kine?"

He breeks himself stukkend and wys he needs to wear it for safety. Now you can mos imagine how my brain muscle starts racing ekse. I ask him to explain... He says his doing a construction job in Kayelitsha and the first day he was there the mense looked at him snaaks and gave comments in their taal which he wys didnt seem to be compliments or anything pleasant. He skat its because he's light complexioned.

So the next day he kry a gedagte... Put on a Zuma t-shirt and check what happens. He wys the mense soema immediately changed. They soema smiled and started talking with him. Now he wheres the same t-shirt everytime he goes to work in that area.

Amazing ne! The Zuma Effect!

Friday, June 5, 2009

Eskom Fok Weer

Ja ja. So now I'm laming in the dark again. What kine with Eskom and there unannouced power cuts? A man didn't even have breakfast yet and now my laaities must sieke eat koue cornflakes with koue melk while Eskom employees are sieke having lekka warm coffee.

You know whenever they cut the power I think of how it must be going in Tafelsig, especially when they do it at night. During the day its not so bad, because atleast then the gangsters can still see the person they're trying to shoot.

I think if government really gives a damn then they should exempt areas with high crime rates from night time load shedding, because I can only imagine coming home from the house-shop a few streets away with change in your pocket sounding like you're a taxi gaurdtjie and skielik the whole area goes pik donker. You mos then a moerse target with "Rob Me" written with glow in the dark ink on your voorkop.

And now its still raining also. This must sieke be a conspiracy to make us people more broke, because if we don't have krag so me can watch TV us colouring people must like to cuddle up in bed and end up making babies just because we had nothing else to do. Ja its true. Just look at our grandparents and the size of families back then when dinner by candle-light and no TV was the order of the day.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

15 Year old mom's baby vanishes.

Jirrie watte hell! Nonzukiso Soganga, 15, of Mfuleni was blerrie stupid enough to leave her 1 month old baby alone with a 3 year old cousin FOR A FOKEN HOUR on Saturday evening apparently to ask her berk's sister a kroon for milk. By the time she got back the laaitie was missing.

Who the foken hell leaves a baby alone for an hour? On top of it she left a paraffin lamp burning with no one to ensure the 3 year old cuz stayed away from it. And now the mom wants to chunk her gat off because the laaitie is still missing. Wiet jy dai ma moet gemoer raak!

The boere now has a 22 year old female neighbour in custody as a suspect and they're also questioning the laaitie's father. The community wants to kill the suspected neighbour because they wys she might have killed the child for muti as she is having problems with her jolling husband. They mos believe the kak that sangomas tell them.

I totaly agree with Child Rights group, Molo Songololo, in saying that Asenathi's (the missing baby) mom should also be locked up with her baby's abductors for being so kak stupid and be charged with negligence.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Grade 1 Delft Girl Gets Raped

A grade 1 pupil of a school in Delft South in Delft was lured to a bush by an unkown male while walking from school. Its reported that he told her that her mother was dead and he would show her where her mom was.

The guy was dressed in school uniform but its believed that this was how he gained the trust of the girl and used it as a way to prevent suspicion from people who might have seen him with the girl.

Parents ek vra mooi, asseblief don't let your laaities walk home from school alone. Julle sien al klaar hoe easy die kinders disappear. Make arrangements with a trusted adult to get your laaitie at school if you can't do it yourself.

Turn Slams and We Have A Deal

Now you check I always used to like myself a lekka slamse goosie cors they mos always had the styl harre and they mos just look mooi mos ekse. But that was still when a man was a snotgat laaitie and didn't know what LURVE really was. That time you mos just keep a girls hand and she is soema now your girlfren my broe.


Anyway, I'm drifting off the topic here... You check yesterday I was doing some Mitchells Plain soul searching and was strolling through the Plaza in Town Centre just to talk to some mense. I walked into this one clothing shop and soema light a conversation with the shop owner who is from Cameroon.


Now I was interested in how this bra started his own clothing shop after coming to South Africa with almost nothing and he openly nogal explained the whole story and no people... he didn't smokkel with the Nigerians. Anyway the story went on and just when to me it started sounding like the bra was fading into the background, kinda like music in the background that you hear but you're not really taking note of until your favourite number starts playing... he says something that snaps me back!


I ask him to repeat that last part and the bra wys me, "When he heard on radio about this new place opening in Mitchells plain called the Station Plaza, he decided to contact management. When they agreed tio meet with him, he was told that he could only operate his business in the Plaza if he turned Muslim... Now this was mos the very first time I hear about this so afterward I went to some more shop owners who was around for a while and two others said the same thing. Yor my broe, this happened right under my nose and most people didn't even know.


Anyways, so I'm back with the bra again and he continues his story. He wys that he declined and decided to look for another location. The about a few months down the line he walked into one of his old time brasse and they started talking bout this and that, then his bra mention that he has a shop in the Plaza that he wants to sell. Now knowing his bra was Christian all the years he asked him how he got a shop in the Plaza since you are required to be slams and the bra wys that he ma decided to turn slams so he could benefit financially.


The story goes on to where he eventually bought the shop over from his bra and management couldn't really do anything to him since the deal was already done. Management then changed over time and the Must-Be-Slams rule changed with it.


Now kykie I have nothing against slamse, but this is not the first time I here of something like this. Me and my motchie have a chommie who was raised without her torpie because her mother didn't want to turn slams for the torpa, so he left her. 18 years later he decide to pop back into her life and gave her an admin job in the business he owned. Not long thereafter he wys her to turn muslim and she refused. As time went on he eventually wysd her that if she wants to continue to benefit from him and wants to keep him in her life then she must turn...


She said no and 1-2-3 he packed her bags, drukked her in the car and dropped her off by her mother's joint. He said that from that point on he completely disowns her and never wants to see her again... this coming from a bra who was never in her life for 18 years, skielik stieks uit and wants her to turn slams, then makes her feel like she's the bad one and that she needs him in her life.


I don't know about yous people but I think this whole "turn slams for money" thing is just one big kak story.


Now PAGAD is sieke gonna hunt me down ekse... LOL.


10 year old Mitchells Plain girl pregnant of 21 year old uncle.

Mense, mense, mense... watte-gwaan with our children of today? I skrukked my gat off when I saw this headline on the Daily Voice front page on Friday, 15 May.


This unnamed girl is only 10 years old and already met die lyf... with her uncle’s baby nogals! I mean she's 7 months pregnant already and you're trying to tell me the mother didn't even suspect a thing? And a round of applause to the competance of the nurses at Eastridge Clinic that said she has a vaginal infection and sent her to Red Cross Children's Hospital. Someone tell me how these people couldn't tell a pregnancy from an infection... well maybe the Health Department finally decided to label South Africa's drastic increase in child pregnancy a disease of some sort. That’s the only reasonable explanation I can come up with.


Also what is this 10 year old laaitie doing with her panties at her ankles and her legs spread apart for "Doctor Uncle" to inspect? And then she has a fine cheek to say she's in love with him? Lyk vir my someone was watching Emmanuelle while she should've been dreaming about what hairstyle she plans to give the next Baabie Doll she might get for her next present.


I now wonder how our justice system will deal with this matter since we now have a President who has also been accused of rape, but by some miracle got away with it (oh and the fraud and corruption investigation) and still get voted President of this CUNTRY!


Ja our Country is becoming a CUNTRY as far as I'm concerned. En to "Mavis"; girl you have a serious problem on your hands, needless to say. I just would like to know where you were when you baby was busy making a baby with your cousin.


Sies Man!


Uncle Charlies Pub in Mitchells Plain: A Place for Jollers!

Check here, now the other day I got a email from someone that posted their own skinner story to me. It's about this pub somewhere in the Mitchells Plain Industrial Area opposite the railway line, named Uncle Charlie's Pub. Now I laughed me stukkend when I read this and thought, nai my readers must hear about this one.


According to my source (hahaha I always wanted to say that) the owner is an ou grys-kop ballie who drives around in a Mazda 3. He allows young chics into the pub to get gesuip and dik getik... so the tik-monsters always have an ouballie on their side. Also most of the time the toilets don't work so we can sieke imagine how it must smell.


Now there's another ou ballie who always stands behind the bar and he has a little fringe (or a french as us coloureds mos like to call it). The other bartender is soe dik getik die ding believe hy is a man van staal... hy gee permy verkeerde change soe moenie by hom koop as djy dronk issie. hy likes stry oor change.


Also according to my source the owner's latest flavour of the month is a 16 year old girl and apparently she is a moerse joke. She has a child with the owner and the poor laaitie is not reg in the kop because the mother is a tik-kop as well.


I also hear this place is where the jollers hang out. Married guys come here to have an "extra good time" if you know what I mean. The cover charge is R20 p.p. and for this you get to whore around with married men, tik yourself senseless and still get beroof by the guy that's always giving the wrong change... Oh and the bouncers will soema moer you also...


So to the married women, if you know that your hubby is one of the regulars by Uncle Charlie's, chances are he sieke has another stukkie there also, soe kyk ma into the matters.


Mitchell's Plain vs Sea Point

Five simple words for those who think Mitchell's Plain is nothing but a drug and gang infested town: You Got It All Wrong!


No doubt this place has it's criminal activities & drugs, but then again so does Sea Point. Only difference is not all criminal events there are made public due to "International Public Relations / Tourism Issues" if you know what I'm saying.


A few things they fail to inform the general public about are:


·         Mitchell's Plain is Cape Town's Talent Capital


·         This place has some of the best Scenic Locations imaginable


·         Schools have a very high standard of Quality Education


·         Almost every female could win America's Next Top Model


·         We have Singers and Dancers that would put Usher out of business


·         Our local Rap Artists would make 50 Cent follow in Puff Daddy's footsteps and rename himself 5 Cent


Ask yourself this question: Does Mitchell’s Plain have prostitutes standing on every corner? NO, in fact as long as I’ve been a mitchellsplainian I’ve never seen this species on the streets. People also seem to conveniently forget about that guy that was killed in broad daylight in front of the SABC building a few years back, yet Mitchell’s Plain gets labeled a crime capital.


One can only imagine how bedornerd I was when I saw on the interweb, on one of those tourism sites, that Mitchell’s Plain is listed as a place that tourists should avoid. And this nogal coming from people who actually admit that they have never been to Mitchell’s Plain or any other town on the Cape Flats.


Os innie Plain het oek a beach… os het oek Scenic locations… Sea Point het oek drug merchants en mense word oek gestiek and dood gemaak innie Sea Point. Not to mention that massage parlour full of moffies that was hit by professional hitmen and almost everyone was killed.


So my question remains, what makes Sea Point better than Mitchell’s Plain?


Jacob Zuma as President of South Africa

My people of my Cape Town... now the other day we mos got a new President. Now this is a ou with a moerse agenda. I mean in 1994 Nelson Mandela already made world history by being the first and only man that walked straight out of prison, right into parliament and became president of South Africa. But now ok, his is a story we all seem to love. I mean this is also the one bra with the most amazing effect: If he speaks, the world listens!


Jacob Zuma on the other hand... YOR! Lands in court due to a rape accusation and boasts about taking a shower afterward to minimise his chances of contracting HIV and again ends up court not long thereafter on charges of Fraud and Corruption and what is his sentence for these "alleged crimes"?... His sentence is 5 years as the President of South Africa!


Seems to me like I should consider robbing one of the banks in Town Centre... Maybe I'll then become our new Finance Minister... wat dink jy?


Angry Lentegeur Residents Attack Two Smokkies.

Residents of Lentegeur got gatvol and decided to raid the homes of two alleged drug merchants on Monday night (25 May 2009). They wys the boere is doing fokol about the merchants in the area so they had no choice but to try to get rid of the merchants themselves despite the moerse lota complaints they made to the boere.


But kykie the smokkies must now kyk uit because even PAGAD was there with them my broe and we all know what they will soema daala. PAGAD spokesman Abdulla Salie wysd Eyewitness News (You can see the aatikle here) that the meeting was called by the mense, because they are gatvol en frustrated with the Gatas for not taking action on drug dealers.


And now I'm gonna quote Salie gou... "Two years ago there were promises that all the drug houses that is operating in council houses is going to be closed and nothing has happened so far, and these are people, these are ordinary human beings, human beings that don’t have to live under these types of terrorism"... ja that was what he did wys.


But now we mos all know that government also wana gooi their tien cent innie bortjie. The MEC for Western Cape Community Safety, Lennit Max, wys the mense musn't take the law into their own hands. He wys "There’s no room for any vigilante groups, there’s no space for anybody who will take the law into their own hands. We will deal with them effectively, because the laws of this country should be respected".


Its mos maklik for him to say so, because he is mos not the one who lives in our areas. He mos gooi home to his larney joint and sieke lam with a cigar and a bottle of fancy wine that costs a coupla hundred rands, with no warries about a merchant in his road possibly selling tik en other drugs to his laaities.


I say let him stay in Lentegeur for a while so he can really see the kak the residents must put up with from being robbed to ouens shooting right in his road due to drug wars, then see if he changes his tune...


South African Music Industry - The Black Market

These days all it takes to make hit number are two to three words and use the same beat that more than a few thousand "music artists" are already using. Being original is irrelevant... how is that possible?


I know a bra who has been sukkeling for years to get a record deal and this ou's numbers are vuurwarm. But I think it's because of his almost gam accent, his use of engli-kaans and the fact that he actually used his brain when he wrote the numbers. Or maybe it's because his name doesn't have "QXZ" as the first three letters.


Also in our colouring community they mos say that us coloureds sal altyd mekaar afstaan. Wow how true is that. I mean I had a copy of this bra's album and played it to a few ouens and they instead started making gat of the bra, but when he performed his numbers on New Years evening at the turning-on-the-lights ceremony at the Liberty Promenade about two years ago, the crowd demanded that he stayed on stage. I don't know about others, but to me that can only be the reaction of a crowd who thinks his music is kak hot ekse.


So now why is it that we don't support our nearest neighbours, but we all throw support to the brainless ouens that make two-word numbers... and then still get a music award for it? Yor I'm telling you, this is the kinda shit that pisses me off!


I am going to make it my business to track down that kwai coloured ass jongetjie and sort of interview him to find out what HE thinks of this industry and to learn more about the obstacles our local really-talented brothers and sisters are faced with.


So watch this space...


Are Coloureds Really Classified as Black?

This is a subject that has been on the minds of almost every coloured person in South Africa. Are we as coloured really classified as black in this country? I DON"T think so and I'll tell you why...


Let me start from the top. According to the new government since 1994, anyone who is not white, is black. Differentiation between Coloured, Indians, Darkie and whatever colour is out there no longer exists according to the constitution YET when it comes to BEE and Affirmative Action (AA) the laws clearly classify South Africans according to skin colour, race and geographical location. Doesn't that sound hypocritical? It sure does to me.


Now I'm not saying things based on what I heard from other people, but what I experienced myself in meetings held with officials from the Labour Department and an IT company I used to work for. This clear statement of differentiation happened twice at this company and I will now explain both incidents...


The first was when Labour Department officials came to inspect the company to see if they complied with BEE standards and AA laws. In the dapartment I was in we had about 10 coloureds, 3 blacks, 2 whites (one of them the department manager) and 2 Nigerians. Their conclusion?... we don't have enough black people in the department. When the manager asked if us as coloureds are not classified as black according to the constitution their response was flat and direct: NO. According to AA laws black is black, coloured is coloured, indian is indian and white is white...


Now how on earth can we have an Equal South African Constitution that has two laws saying two different things?


The second incident was when the company started retrenching employees. A meeting was held with the HR manager explaining the procedure to us. She also said that retrenchment will have to comply with Labour Laws and must comply with BEE and AA standards. According to her it would be done using the LIFO system (Last In First Out), but preference would be given in the following order according to AA standards:


·         Females (all races)


·         Black Males


·         Coloured Males (this included indians)


·         White Males


She also carried on stating that Education and Qualification will also be considered. But the example she gave was: "If for instance we have two qualified individuals, one of them white and the other black and the white guy has a Diploma in IT and the black guy has a Certificate in IT, the black guy would still be given preference".


What BULL-CRAP is that? No wonder our economy is going to the shits! the ony way we can really improve this economy is if we have the right person chosen for the job completely disregarding Race and skin colour.


The only way we will also have a truly Equal Country is if government makes away with racial classification completely.


So my conclusion: Are coloureds really classified as black in South Africa? HELL NO!