Thursday, July 2, 2009

New cellphone law

As of 1 July all cell phone users, including those with pre-paid sim cards, will have to re-register our sim cards with our ID bookies and proof of address.

We have 18 months to do so or our sims will be deactivated. Apparently this new law is supposed to help fight crime. The new law also enables government authorities to eaves drop on our conversation, provided a judge has given the order. Whatever happened to our right to privacy?

I think this whole thing is just plain kak, but as with all other political decisions, we have no say and never really did and we can do nothing about it. This is the "democracy" some of us voted for ne! Don't you just wish you never voted for this government a few years ago?

Well mense you were warned and now ITS TOO LATE!

Salute till my nex post!


  1. CB,
    While agree with you that this new legislation is crap, I in no way regret voting for the ANC when I did.

    There was no other alternative for me, except COPE in the last election.

  2. Hahaha... you know I was expecting you to be the first to comment on this. lol. Have a look at "Are coloureds classified as black" in my June archive and read the comments an anonomous reader posted. Thats sure to get you replying I think.

  3. I actually have that sms 32211 crime tip-off number on my phone.(Now I wonder if it is really anonymous). I think it will be wise to remove it now. Last thing I want is for some criminal with connections to find out who piemped to the cops. And yes, I've heard stories about how people are traced when they blow the whistle to the cops..some of which I believe. I don't understand what was wrong with the previous laws, surely they got a judges consent to tap phones pretty quickly anyway? Ps CB I think you are quite brave to openly speak your mind on your blog . I hope no-one ever tries to shut you down. I don't feel that free to speak, especially in our intolerant society, so hats off to you.
