The mense of Delft woke up to a loud explosion at about 1:05am this morning. According to my source people living close by were too afraid to inspect what caused the explosion and rumours quickly filled the air that it might again have been an ATM bombing as it sounded similar to an explosion that happened in the past.
Only at about 8am did my source confirm that it was indeed an ATM bombing. Police and Cash-in-Transit officers were present and it has not been confirmed whether the skelms got away with any money.
All this makes me think of a conversation I once had with a guy from Zimbabwe. He said he knows some of the people involved with these type of operations and also those cash-in-transit heists we so often hear about. According to him these guys are highly trained ex-military men and are heavily armed with strong underground connections. He also mentioned that some of these guys live in the Delft area and he was told if anyone ever gave him any trouble, he should just let them know and he won’t hear from whoever troubled him again.
Mense there are things happening right under our noses that we are unaware of and it’s scary what these people get away with, because in many cases they also have contacts within our Police force too. And why are our cops corrucpt?... Because government believes that a starting salary of about R3 500 to R4 000 is enough for these men and women to risk their lives for the safety of others. Well I think government has a lot of re-planning and rethinking to do.