Thursday, August 20, 2009

Hows burns in Delft... again!

This is the second time I've been a witness to a house burning down in Delft, Cape Town.

Well it's seems that the home owners didn't find much support from some community members as they have a reputation for covering up the crimes of their son who has been involved with burglary, robbery, theft and also rape.

He was also linked to another incident in which another house just a few meters from where he lives, was also burnt down after they broke into it to use drugs.

It is said that God has finally given them what they deserve after all the pain and suffering the son has caused to so many people and for everytime his mother covered up for all his wrong doings.

All I hope for is that they get to rebuild their home.

Monday, August 17, 2009

My New Christian Blog

Good day people. I greet you in the name of my saviour Jesus Christ.

I would just like to inform my readers that my new Christian blog entitled Christian Diary can now be found at

I use this blog to share my experiences as a Christian and also share some lessons I learn while reading through my bible.

I thank you for being loyal supporters of this blog, but the time has come for me to move on and change direction.

God bless you all.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Helping a Fellow Christian

God just gave me an opportunity to help a fellow Christian sister in need of encouragement. She is going through a very tough divorce and she sent me an email stating that it feels as if she has no more reason to smile and asked me to pray for her…

I promised I would keep her in my prayers and gave her some words of encouragement that I could never have thought up all by myself. I reminded her that divorce is a very sensitive matter as it goes directly against God’s will, but the bible also mentions that it is only “justified” when one partner has been unfaithful in the sense of committing adultery.

I also reminded her of the book of Job: Job was so perfect in the eyes of God that he gave satan permission to torment him. Job, who was the richest man of the east at that time, lost all his cattle, his riches, his ten children and also became very ill. His wife asked how come he still remains faithful to God instead of cursing him for bringing such hard times into his life and he replied that when God gives us good times we do not complain, so why complain when God gives us tough times? Instead of forsaking God, Job remained faithful and in the end he was blessed with the return of all his lost riches and was also blessed again with another ten children.

I said to this friend that instead of asking God why we go through hard times, we should embrace those hard times and worship him even more because it is through times like these that we are drawn closer to God. We should undoubtedly put our trust in Him. Take all our problems and leave it in God’s hands and He will give us rest.

She then thanked me and said I was a blessing to her although she never even met me, but I reminded her that it is not me who is the blessing, instead it is God’s Holy Spirit that has worked through me so I could have the wisdom to help her and encourage her to remain faithful to God and I as a mere servant cannot take credit for a lesson that God has written thousands of years ago.

It made me feel good for helping, but I should thank God for using me to help another Christian and she should thank the Lord for providing counsel through me and not thank me.


Monday, August 10, 2009

Life as a Christian

Hi people. My new life since accepting Christ has taken a massive turn. I no longer drink, read the Bible every second I get, my kids are excited with the new routine of prayer before sleep, I see things that others are blind to, my wife also got saved and I now have fear of nothing (except spiders), no one and no place... Now THAT is a wonderful feeling!

I will be sharing some of my new experiences with you people and also try opening some eyes with things that have been revealed to me.

For now I say good night and GOD bless.